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The contribution of olive oil in the health of the human body
What is arteriosclerosis? Arteriosclerosis is a process which causes stenosis of arteries and is the result of deposition in the arterial walls, inter alia, the said foamy macrophagous cells, platelets and cholesterol. Reasons and process of deposition of cholesterol H deposition of cholesterol, even if it is owed partly in genetic reasons, it is influenced by the diet and the physical exercise. LDL-Cholesterol (bad cholesterol) is the main institution of cholesterol in the circulation of blood and puts under conditions cholesterol in the arterial walls, contributing in the shaping of athiromatic index plate. From the other side, the HDL-Cholesterol (good cholesterol) removes excess of cholesterol from the circulation and transports him behind in the liver for [apekkrisi]. For these reasons the LDL-Cholesterol is considered [athirogonos] and the HDL-Cholesterol [antiathirogonos].
A. Arteriosclerosis and olive oil
The effect of olive oil in the deposition of cholesterol. Research has shown that diet rich in animal products (richly in [koresmena] greases) tends to increase the levels of LDL. On the other hand, diet rich in olive oil ([monoakoresta] greases) or richly in plant oils or grease of fishes ([polyakoresta] greases) tends to decrease the levels of LDL.
It appeals that, compared to the riches in animal greases diets, the diets that are riches in olive oil and other plant oils or [ichthyelaia] decrease the levels of LDL in comparable degree.
However the diets with olive oil tend simultaneously to maintain or even increase the HDL (good cholesterol), contrary to the diets that are riches in other plant oils or [ichthyelaia], which tend to decrease the levels of HDL. Thus, the diet with olive oil decreases the reason LDL to HDL, with result lower danger for coronary illness.
B. Effect of olive oil in the deposition of foamy cells
The shaping and the deposition of foamy cells depend from the presence of big quantities [oxeidomenis] LDL. Oxidation of LDL is influenced by the presence of [polyakoreston] greases and antioxydant substances in her molecule. While the [polyakoresta] greases (other plant oils and [ichthyelaia]) suffer oxidation easier comparative with the [monoakoresta] greases (olive oil), diets with olive oil lend bigger resistance in the LDL against the oxidation.
C. Olive oil and cancer
Studies have given clues that the diet with olive oil decreases the danger for a number of cancers, as the breast, the pancreas, the stomach, the larynx, the urinary [kysteos] and protector.
D. Olive oil and hypertension
Studies have shown that monounsaturated fats in olive oil diet reduces hypertension. Olive oil and diabetes mellitus type II Apart from hyperglycemia, type II diabetes is often characterized by central obesity, which precedes the onset of diabetes. The latest dietary recommendations for diabetics, although it is somewhat flexible and tailored to each patient individually, highlight the need to reduce dietary polyunsaturated and saturated fats and recommend an increasing complex carbohydrates with dietary fiber and monounsaturated fats. Although the limited number of studies on the effect of olive oil in type II diabetes does not currently allow definitive conclusions, it is expected that due to the high content of monounsaturated fats and natural wealth of antioxidants will proved to be a particularly suitable source of dietary fat on diabetes type II.
E.Olive and aging
Among the various theories proposed to explain aging, free radical theory has gained the interest and experimental data supporting it. Although it is not yet scientifically proven the fact, that the antioxidants in olive oil can inhibit the formation of free radicals it is probably a factor in slowing aging.
Olive oil is in the intermediate between food and medicine; an excellent example of Hippocratic Medicine.
The University of Athens and the Pharmaceutical School have mapped the oils in terms of their content in certain bioactive ingredients
the oleocanthal (with a strong anti-inflammatory action similar to that found in classical drugs of very frequent use),
Oleocanthal has anti-inflammatory action equivalent to Ibuprofen. Chronic exposure to low doses of anti-inflammatory substances like Oleocanthal offers protection against cardiovascular diseases as well as aging.
«Oleocanthal is responsible for the burning sensation in the throat (pungency) characteristic of green olive oil. »
«Olive oil polyphenols contribute to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress»
"The beneficial effect is obtained from the daily intake of 20 grams of olive oil"
European regulation 432/2012
5mg of Hydroxytyrosol and its Derivatives (Eleanuropean and tyrosol per day offers protection against LDL cholesterol oxidation)
Monounsaturated fatty acids are found in high concentrations in olive oil. Those who have high doses of olive oil in their diet have fewer wrinkles, fewer skin discolorations and their skin is less relaxed