Olive oil secret recipes from Grandmother Sophia

Posted by george 29/05/2019 0 COMMENTS HEALTH BENEFITS,

On this page we will deal with olive oil and its uses, this pure product for centuries used in medicine and grooming of men and women, Hippocrates Dioscourides and poles other ancient therapists.
The grandmothers wisdom, with a knowledge  close to a century, opens its second inheritance from her production and shares with you all these recipes based on olive oil and natural products, which, if combined, are therapeutically or preventively for many problems.
remember that the essence of all is the quality of materials, both in olive oil and in herbs and natural products, the result will be proportional to what we will use.


How To Prepare Your Hair Mask With Olive Oil


• We take a clear glass jar of 720cl
• We almost fill the jar, with fresh rosemary after we have removed the needles (leaflets) and we have broken into the moulti, and we have thrown the wood
• Then put in the jar about 150ml of extra virgin olive oil or as long as it gets up to 3cm below the jar lid.
• And leave it in the sun for 10 days and the remaining 30 days place it in the shade.
• In the first week, we shake it lightly without opening it
• After 40 days, all the medicinal ingredients of rosemary will be extracted into the olive oil and will get a deep green and red- golden color

Now we're ready to use it on our hair the best is to use it at night before we go to sleep, we spread a few drops and light massage on our head or leave it as long as we want and then we rinse normally and we take a bath  as usual.
This rosemary treatment in hair helps effectively in hair loss, and the hair length stimulates and nourishes the hair deeply, while making your hair look healthy and shiny. If your hair is dyed or damaged, the particular rosemary treatment in the hair is miraculous.
Avoid pregnant women and people who have sensitive skin, and differ medical problems. Do not consume it and use it under the supervision of your doctor.